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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Global Village Energy Partnership

Solar Village
For produce energy GVEP International going to take necessary action without business/income only for poor people who are live under poverty. GVEP International (Global Village Energy Partnership) is an international non profit organisation seeking to reduce poverty through accelerated access to modern energy services. Our dedicated team of energy and finance professionals operates through regional hubs in Africa and in Latin America, and is supported by a small UK head office. We believe that business-led solutions are essential to meet the energy needs of people living in developing countries. While governments can create effective policies and incentives, the private sector has a critical role to play. We work with energy entrepreneurs and investors to create change.

Our mission is to promote social and economic development in rural and peri-urban areas of developing countries by increasing access to appropriate modern energy services.  Our vision is one where people throughout the world, regardless of social and economic status, have access to affordable, clean energy in the form of heat, light and power and are finally free from energy poverty.

Funding and Investment

GVEP International provides start-up and growth capital to early-stage energy SMEs in selected countries in Latin America and Africa. Our programmes, through which we deploy grant funding and equity investments, allow donors and social impact investors to support energy entrepreneurs whose ventures are constrained by limited access to capital. In supporting start-ups and early-stage companies, we typically combine financial support with technical advice and business coaching.

Availability of funding is subject to donor support and is tied to specific programmes.  Please check our website for details of current programmes. We are unable to respond to requests for funding which are outside of the scope of our existing programmes.

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