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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Humanitarian Crisis on Libya's Borders (WFP Responds)

WFP Responds for Humanitarian Crisis

For provide food crisis in North Africa to 1.06 million people. For that WFP is launching a US$ 39.2 million emergency operation. WFP is launching a US$ 39.2 million emergency operation to provide food assistance to 1.06 million people. The food will go to vulnerable populations in Libya, and to people fleeing across borders into Tunisia and Egypt. Get operational update
ROME -- WFP is calling for safe humanitarian access to Libya so that food can be provided to address the needs of those people – especially women and children – who may need assistance.
“We urgently call for safe humanitarian access to Libya,” said WFP Executive Director, Josette Sheeran, after a WFP-chartered ship carrying food to Libya was forced to turn back amid security concerns. “We are exploring every possible humanitarian corridor to be prepared in case needs escalate,” Sheeran added. 

WFP has launched a regional emergency operation that aims to provide food assistance to vulnerable populations in Libya, and to people fleeing across borders into Tunisia and Egypt. A total of 1.06 million people are targeted over a 3-month period.

Prepositioning supplies
Meanwhile, the UN food agency is mobilizing food for the hungry – delivering food assistance to Libya’s borders with Egypt and Tunisia and pre-positioning supplies for use inside the country.
WFP High Energy Biscuits are already being distributed at crossing points on the Libya-Tunisa border and more food is on the way for the people fleeing violence in Libya.

“Standing on the Libya border with tens of thousands fleeing violence I realized that unless the world acts we may be facing an historic human tragedy,” said WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran who traveled to the Tunisia-Libya border last week to meet local authorities, aid organisations, and people who have fled violence.

More than 110,000 people have crossed into Tunisia in the past week, and many of the arrivals say they have had limited access to food during the journey from their homes and workplaces in Libya.

“Most have been travelling for three or four days. They are walking and have had nothing to eat for up to 48 hours,”  said WFP’s spokeswoman Abeer Etefa, who is at the Tunisian-Libyan border. Very sorry to say, “Local communities are showing great generosity and solidarity, providing the people who arrive with food and other supplies.

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